As I write this blog I am reminded of my uncle who was in plywood business .Everyone used to tell him that he is married to plywood. He was so involved in his business and he immersed himself completely in it and he did not have time for anything else.

I see this happening to many people businessman ,professional ,doctors in all walks of life.

Now before I proceed ahead let me clarify that such sincere, dedicated, hard working people are an asset to the society and in fact are pillars of the society. Humankind, human race and the nation survives and moves ahead only because of hard work and dedication of such committed businessmen, professionals and citizens.

Now since this blog is mainly for dentists let me clarify that I have come across many dedicated dentists who are so involved in running the practices, serving the patients and maintaining quality that they neglect other aspects of the lives.

Now this can be counterproductive in the long run. A dentist or other professional or a business man is not only a dentist, businessmen ,professional but also a husband ,brother, neighbour ,a parent ,a friend and above all a citizen. Everyone must fulfil all the rules which have been ordained upon him to the best of his ability.
Now the most important point… Anyone who is completely immersed in his work to the extent that he neglects other aspect of his lives may find that over a period of time the profession suffers.

Let me make it very clear that you can be good, soft skilled, soft headed dentist who serves patients well with quality dental service only if you are hard headed businessman after patients are over and if you are a good parent, husband ,son ,brother at home and a good responsible citizen in your community.

Our practices may be the main part of a life but are not the only part.

The time which we spend outside our practices affect our practices in a very profound way

Now that is something to brood upon.


Author: Veerendra Darakh

M1, Meenakshi, Ground Floor, Vijaynagar, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400059

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